

实际上,“无色”镜头只是把红光和蓝光聚于同一平面,还有很大的校正空间。而“apochromat”(“away from colour”)可以把红、绿、蓝光聚于同一焦点,是成像锐度显著提高,这也是为什么很多镜头广告在宣传“Apo”。由于对于摄影镜头的消色差还没有严格的定义,因此很难不怀疑有些镜头的消色差比其他更好。类似的,尼康的“ED”(极低色散)显然是指ED镜头中使用的特殊玻璃。但玻璃怎样才变得特殊呢?












早期无镀膜镜头在每个镜片表面可以反射百分之五到十的光线,这就是为什么要尽量减少镜片空气接触面的数量。比如,Zeiss 50mm f/1.5 Sonnar只有六个镜片空气接触面,而Leitz 50mm f/1.5 Summarit有十个。Summarit分辨率更高;但Sonnar的反差更大,以至看起来更锐利。













分辨率,即一个镜头可以表现的细节的多少,显然非常重要,并且基于平均的视力和图片尺寸,很容易设定锐度的标准。正常视力的人可以分辨约一分的弧度,或大约相当于在3米的距离看到白背景上的黑头发。使用传统摄影术语来讲,约等于在25厘米的距离观看照片上的8线对/毫米。因此,从扩印照片时的放大率就可以大致计算出底片上需要多大的分辨率,也就是用放大率乘以8 lp/mm(线对/毫米)。比如4×6英寸照片是4倍放大率,所以在底片上需要4×8=32 lp/mm的分辨率;6倍放大率(即8×10英寸或20×25厘米照片)就需要48 lp/mm。


在实际中,我们需要底片上的分辨率比上面的计算结果要稍微高一点,因为放大过程中要损失一些锐度;并且放大率越大,需要的“多余”的分辨率就越多。因此,如果理论计算需要32 lp/mm,那么实际上有35-40 lp/mm就应该可以;但如果理论上需要底片上有64 lp/mm,实际上可能需要80 lp/mm。很大程度取决于放大镜头,以及放大时对焦的精确;而对于扫描底片,扫描仪类似于一个完美的放大机,因此在过程中损失的分辨率较少。胶片本身也很重要,慢速、细颗粒的胶片比高速、粗颗粒胶片的分辨能力更强。


然而,分辨率在理论上还受到绝对的制约。撇开深奥的理论不说,一个明显的定律就是,衍射对分辨率的限制,以lp/mm为单位,在百分之五十的反差,分辨率的顶限是1000/n,这里n是光圈值。因此,在f/2衍射限制的分辨率是500 lp/mm;在f/4为250 lp/mm;而f/8就限制在125 lp/mm。实际上,100 lp/mm或稍微高一点,是普通用途胶片可以记录的最高分辨率,即使是用来获得最高的锐度。1000/n定律也解释了为什么35毫米相机的镜头很少用小于f/16的光圈,因为在f/16分辨率已经限制在62.5 lp/mm。在f/22时,降低到45 lp/mm;而f/32时只有31 lp/mm。

另一方面,我们可能太注重这些数据了。其实45 lp/mm已经给予6×9英寸照片可以接受的效果,虽然再小的分辨率就可以看出差别。并且1000/n从理论上来讲可能被认为太苛刻,即使1500/n在某些情况下被认为是刚刚合适的标准。


为了制作一张16×20英寸(40×50厘米)的照片,一张35毫米底片需要放大约16倍,但128 lp/mm在底片上却是不可能的。然而,通常我们不会在25厘米的距离观看这么大的一张照片,很可能是在至少两倍的距离上观看。这使得分辨率的标准随着观看距离而改变,因此两倍的观看距离将使需要的分辨率减少一半,即64 lp/mm。这里很容易看出,为什么35毫米相机可以如此流行,因为它在各种情景下都刚好适应了这个“真实世界”的需求。


仍然使用上面16×20英寸的例子,如果底片是6×7厘米,只需放大约7倍。即使我们仍坚持照片上8 lp/mm的标准,底片上也只需要56 lp/mm而已;而且如果我们可以接受照片上的4 lp/mm,那么底片上只需要28 lp/mm的分辨率。如果我们使用4×5英寸的底片,放大率只有4倍,那么底片上只需32 lp/mm(严格标准)或16 lp/mm。这不只演示的大幅底片的显著优势,也同时解释了为什么大幅机的镜头可以收缩到比35毫米镜头更小的光圈。如果4×5底片上需要16 lp/mm的分辨率,那么用f/64才使衍射的限制刚刚达到。这也解释了另外一件事,就是一些镜头是怎样同时适用于35毫米和中幅相机的:当装在35毫米相机上时,使用的只是镜头像场的中央部分,也就是分辨率最高的部分;而当装在中幅相机上时,像场边缘的分辨率虽不高,但已经够用。



想象两支镜头同样拍摄64 lp/mm的标板,但反差不同。反差高的镜头成像是白和黑,而反差低的镜头成像是淡灰色和深灰色。高反差镜头的成像看起来更锐利。

这没有什么吃惊。令人吃惊的是,虽然高反差镜头的成像看起来更锐利,但低反差镜头可以到达更高的分辨率,比如80 lp/mm。前文提到过,在30年代,Leica镜头偏重于分辨率,而Contax镜头倾向于高反差,这就导致的双方支持者的论战。双方都说自己的镜头更“锐利”,当然,他们说得都对,或者说,都错。




















另一种叫做cos4暗角,这个名称是因为一束光照射在一个平面上的亮度与入射角的余弦(cos)的4次方成正比。对于传统超广角镜头(非反远摄结构),成像边缘的光线相当斜,照度也随之减弱。解决cos4暗角的唯一方法是使用一种渐变滤镜,中央深色,边缘浅色。具我们所知,只有一只35毫米镜头使用过这种系统,就是Zeiss Hologon 15mm镜头,一支极少见的收藏品。


即使你考虑了以上所有因素,以及一些含糊不清的技术,镜头制造中仍有一小点魔力。对此曾有过多种多样的表达。我们的祖父曾谈起过一些镜头的“Plastic rendition”,意思说照片有三维空间感(当时“plastic”的意思)。现今,我们可能会说某一镜头有很好的“层次”(gradation)感,虽然,当被追问时,我们也很难解释那到底表示什么。但是,无可质疑的,确实有些镜头有着特殊的魔力,其中我们拥有的就包括了一支21mm f/4 ‘mirror-up’(使用时需锁上反光镜) Nikon;另一支21mm f/4.5 Zeiss Biogon;以及一支(大画幅)150mm f/6.3 Tessar。这种“魔力”甚至在同一款的不同个体上都不一定存在,但当你发现时,你会意识到。

APO1800 (1)Apo Nikkor 1800mm, Ian Ruhter 用的
NIKON 610MM F9 APO-NIKKOR (630460) EUR 332,30

f max mount weight
(mm) aperture type coverage (mm) (g)
150 f/9 tessar 45º 53×0.75 175
180 f/9 dialyte 46º 53×0.75 210
210 f/9 tessar 45º 53×0.75 185
240 f/9 dialyte 46º 53×0.75 220
300 f/9 tessar 41º 53×0.75 240
305 f/9 dialyte 46º 72×1 430
360 f/9 dialyte 46º 72×1 470
420 f/9 dialyte 46º 90×1 780
450 f/9 tessar 37º 72×1 550
455 f/9 dialyte 46º 90×1 810
480 f/9 dialyte 46º 90×1 860
600 f/9 tessar 37º 90×1 775
610 f/9 dialyte 46º 110×1 1450
750 f/9 tessar 37º 110×1 2015
760 f/11 dialyte 42º 110×1 1360
890 f/11 dialyte 42º 162×1.5 3600
900 f/9 tessar 37º 140×1.5 3570
1070 f/12.5 1600
1200 f/9 tessar 37º 213×1.5 8385
1210 f/12.5 dialyte 40º 162×1.5 3800
1780 f/14 dialyte 36º 213×1.5 6430
1800 f/14 tessar 35º 20’ 213×1.5 8860
Apo-Nikkor PDF  apo-process-nikkors apo-process-nikkors
There are two “1800/14” Apo-Nikkors. 1780/14, dialyte type, covers ~ 1160 mm, weighs ~ 6.4 kg. 1800/14, tessar type, covers ~ 1140 mm, weighs ~ 8.6 kg.
Apo-Nikkor 1780mm f/14 Lens.Image Area — 2310mmø @ 1x (Standard Magnification).
Picture Angle — 36º.

Goerz 70.5″ Artar


Fujinon CFuji_3_97_C



Carl Zeiss Jena Apo-Tessar 1:9 f/750


14×17″ ULF Lens Recommendations

Over the past year, I’ve been building a lens collection to use with my new Chamonix 14×17 view camera. Normal (being 560mm on this format) and wider lenses are relatively easy to find. But its at the longer end of the spectrum that the choices become more varied and its harder to make a decision. So I started by buying what I call the ULF “Holy Trinity” of modern shuttered lenses that is just about in arsenal of every serious ULF user shooting sizes above 11×14: G-Claron 355mm f9, Nikkor M 450mm f9, and Fujinon C 600 f11.5. They are relatively lightweight, small enough to fit on a Linhof Technica lensboard, have manageable filter sizes, and cast usable image circles far in excess of what is quoted by their manufacturers. Of the three, only the Fujinon C 600mm is hard to find these days.

The ULF “Holy Trinity” Lenses
Lens Focal Length (mm) Max Aperture Image Circle (mm) Shutter Filter Size (mm) Wieght (g) Market Price
G-Claron 355 f9 444 Copal 3 77 855 $550-700
Nikkor-M 450 f9 440 Copal 3 67 640 $800-1000
Fujinon-C 600 f11.5 620 Copal 3 67 575 $1200-1600


Now if your budget won’t allow for the “Holy Trinity” there is a “Second String” worth considering. The added bonus is these lenses are a little faster but they are heavier, need to be on Sinar or larger lensboards, have bigger filter rings and usually come in older Compound 5 or Ilex 5 shutters. The Symmar Convertible is particularly interesting since it can do double duty at 360mm and 620mm, potentially making it the only lens you will ever need – assuming your front standard can take almost 2kg or 4.2lbs of weight. The B&L lens is somewhat hard to find pre mounted in a shutter but more common as a barrel. Goerz Red Dot Artar 24″, Apo-Nikkor 600mm or 610mm and Apo-Ronar 600mm are all pretty much interchangeable. I would pick up the first one you find in an Ilex 5 or Copal 3 shutter.


The “Second String” Lenses
Lens Focal Length (mm) Max Aperture Image Circle (mm) Shutter Barrel Mount Wieght (g) Market Price
Symmar Convertible 360/620 f5.6/12 500 Compound 4 N/A 1,910 $250-350
B&L 14×17 Series IIB 489 f6.3 Compound 5 N/A $600
Apo-Ronar-CL 600 f9 534

14×17″ @ 1:10)

(24×30″ @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 M90x1 1,563 $600-800
Apo-Ronar-CL 600 f11 Ilex 5 1,547 $600-800
Apo Nikkor 600 f9 Ilex 5 775 $600-800
Apo Nikkor 610 f9 518

(1,030mm @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 M110x1 1,450 $600-800
Goerz Red Dot Artar 24″ 610 f11 (12×15@ 1:10)

(24×28″ @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 / Copal 3* $600-800

* Misses maximum aperture by 1/3 stop

Now to get a real jump up from 600mm to make a difference in perspective I would suggest you want to go up to 30″ or 760mm. Personally I looked for more modern lenses that could be found in a shutter or at least mounted in one. Many process lenses can be shutter mounted and made to work. Sometimes this results in a small loss of speed of 1-2 stops as the shutter constricts the aperture but its not usually material. Older process lenses can be made in brass and be extraordinarily heavy. Likewise, their sheer bulk can make it hard to mount on a smaller lensboard and fit on a ‘modern’ shutter like a Copal #3 or more likely an Ilex #5. So in practical terms if the lens can be shutter mounted it will fit on a Sinar board of 5.25″ square or larger. Once you have found your barrel lens, you will need to buy a shutter, a flange and a lensboard.

Shutters are often easier to buy attached to a lens. The 375mm f6.3 Ilex-Calumet Caltar is a particularly unloved lens that comes in an Ilex #5. Remember that the Ilex 5 came in several flavors, starting from the left in the image below: Kodak branded (avoid due to smaller aperture and mount), Black (avoid, oldest version), Silver Older (look for this one), Silver Newer (this is the best). Then there is one more kind, the “Syncro Electronic” that can only be fired with an electronic voltage and is basically useless otherwise.

Left to right: Kodak Ilex#5, Black Ilex#5, Older Silver Ilex#5, Newer Silver Ilex#5


Similarly the Copal 3 comes in two sizes the 3 and the smaller 3S.  Avoid the 3S as it has a smaller maximum aperture size. The regular Copal 3 comes in three versions starting oldest first: small tooth rim in silver, wider smoother tooth rim in silver, and finally black. If possible go for the black version or second best silver with wider smoother tooth rim, avoid the the other two versions.

Front left to right: Copal 3S, Copal 3 Silver Small Teeth, Copal 3 Silver Big Smooth Teeth, Copal 3 Black



Then you need to get the barrel mounted to the shutter and lensboard by an machinist like SK Grimes which usually charges around $350-450 for the honor. At the same time as you have the mounting done, I recommend that you ask your machinist to put some threads on the lens front element (if there are none) and make you a new front lens cap. The reason being that most process lenses don’t come with filter threads and it can be hard to find a good fitting cap for your custom set-up. Often you have the option of a small range of filter sizes – say about 5mm plus or minus. So if possible try and standardize on some favorite sizes – like 67mm, 77mm, 95mm or 105mm.

Left to right: Symmar Convertible 360/620 f5.6/12 in Compound 4, 30″ Red Dot Artar f12 in Copal 3, and 35″ Red Dot Artar f12 in Ilex #5



The most common lenses to shutter mount are the APO-Nikkor, Rodenstock Ronars and Goerz Red Dot Artars. The APO-Nikkors get huge after 760mm and can’t reasonable be shutter mounted beyond that focal length. Rodenstock makes the regular APO-Ronar and a compact APO-Ronar-CL line of process lenses. After 760mm the most sensible lenses to choose are the Goerz Red Dot Artars but you really want an aluminum version from after the late 1960s not an older brass one because of the weight penalty. The weight penalty can be offset through shutter mounting since much of the brass barrel is discarded in the process. The Carl Ziess / Doctar Apo Germinar lenses in 750mm and 1000mm come in barrels and a native Copal 3 mount.  They are some of the most modern processes lenses available but they are apparently hard to cut out of the barrel and shutter mount on an Ilex #5. Then there is of course the Schneider 1100mm f14 Fine Art XXL which even if you had the $3-5k to buy it is hard to find. Many of the longer, and some of the shorter, lenses on this list are over 3 Kg and would put a real strain on most field cameras. So while they could be feasible mounted on a shutter you are probably better off with one of the sub-3 Kg options.

The “Shutter-Mountable Long Shots”
Lens Focal Length (mm) Max Aperture Image Circle (mm) at Infinity Shutter Barrel Mount(mm) Filter Size (mm) Weight (g) Market Price
APO Germinar 750 f9 715

(1,270 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 M105x1 3,900
APO Germinar 750 f14.5 795

(1,230 @ 1:1)

Copal 3 (Native Mount) M95x1 3,900+
APO Nikkor 760 f11 583

(1,170mm @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 M110x1 95mm x 1 1,360 $500 +Shutter and Mounting
APO-Ronar-CL 760 f14 500 Ilex 5 M90x1 67mm 1,190 $400 +Shutter and Mounting
Goerz RD Artar 30″ 762 f12.5 660

(16×20 @ 1:10)

(1,290 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5/Copal 3* 67mm (custom filter thread) 1,300 $600 +Shutter and Mounting
Apo-Ronar-CL 800 f9 Ilex 5* 3,600
Goerz RD Artar 35″ 889 f12.5 773

(18×22″ @ 1:10)

(1,510 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 / Copal 3* 95mm (custom filter thread) 1,640 $1,500 +Shutter and Mounting
Apo-Ronar-CL 890 f14
APO Germinar 1,000 f12 895mm

(1,590 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5 M105x1 4,500 $2,000
APO Germinar 1,000 f19.5 995mm

(1,535 @ 1:1)

Copal 3 (Native Mount) M95x1 4,500+
Apo-Ronar-CL 1,000 f14 2,500
Apo-Ronar-CL 1,000 f16 Ilex 5* M115x1 5,000
Goerz RD Artar 42″ 1,067 f14 (22×27″ @ 1:10)

(1,810 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5* / Compound 5 / Alpha 5 / Betax 5 95mm (custom filter thread) 1,815 $1,750 +Shutter and Mounting
Apo-Ronar-CL 1,070 f14 995mm @f32 (calculated not confirmed) Ilex 5* / Compound 5 / Alpha 5 / Betax 5 M120x1 90mm (front and back) 2,495
Schneider Fine Art XXL 1,100 f22 (f14 in barrel) 900 Copal 3 (Native Mount) 105mm 2,400 $3,000-5,000
Goerz RD Artar 47.5″ 1,194 f15 (25×32″ @ 1:10)

(2,050 @ 1:1)

Ilex 5* / Compound 5 / Alpha 5 / Betax 5 $2,000 +Shutter and Mounting
APO-Ronar-CL 1200 f14 (40×50″ @ 1:1) M100x1
APO-Ronar-CL 1200 f16 (40×50″ @ 1:1) M135x1 6,577

* Will lose 1 or more stops of speed when mounted. For example, a 35″ Artar goes from max aperture f12.5 to f19 in a Copal 3.

Now if you are content to use a barrel lens without a shutter or have a Packard shutter of the right size lying around then you might want to consider the lenses in the “Super Long / Heavy / Big Barrels” list below. Most of the lenses are too big to mount on a Sinar board and weigh so much that they would put a real strain on just about any front standard, but hey, with lenses this size and the bellows requirements this long you are probably thinking of mounting it on the side or end of a delivery truck! Right?

The “Super Long / Heavy / Big Barrels
Lens Focal Length (mm) Max Aperture Image Circle (mm) at Infinity Image Circle (mm) at 1:1 Barrel Mount / thread (mm) FilterSize (mm) Weight (g) Market Price
Apo-Nikkor 890 f11 20×24″ 1,360 M162x1.5 3,600
Apo-Saphir 900 f10 655mm M140x1.5 4,000
Apo-Nikkor 1210 f12.5 1,750 M162x1.5 3,800 $1,850
Apo-Saphir 1210 f12.5 1,680
Apo-Nikkor 1776 f14 2,310 M213x1.5 6,430
Goerz RD Artar 70″ 1778 f16 (36×45″ @ 1:10) 3,020 @ 1:1
APO-Ronar-CL 1800 f16 2,500mm @ 1:1 M208 7,700

Cheaper than the more modern process lenses list above, would be to use an old process lens from one of the former major lens makers. Allen Rumme’s site has an extensive list of process lenses of which a bunch would work for 14×17 format. In particular look at the Ross Apo Process (coated) and Apochromat Xpres (coated) lenses from 21″ to 48″ and the Taylor Hobson Cooke Series IX Apochromatic (coated), Cooke Series Vb Process, and Cooke Process lenses also from 21″ to 48″. I wouldn’t consider mounting these lenses on a shutter but simply using them in a barrel stopped way down to get long exposure times you can manually execute.

By necessity this series of tables is incomplete in places. I don’t own many of these lens myself. If you have any of the missing data please leave a comment below. It will be much appreciated and a big help to the 14×17″ ULF community

這顆 1000mm / 100 度的鏡頭,是有位朋友訂製的,要用在 20×60 英吋的相機上
在毛玻璃上,影像還 OK,至於實際拍攝,因為相機還在製造中,還得等一陣子
鏡頭是 periscope 二片式設計,鏡片是 acrylic,鏡片直徑 172mm,鏡筒是鋁的,前緣直徑 300mm
fdchen@gmail.com 或 fdchen@yahoo.com

另一个英文 14×17″ 超大幅镜头推荐

Zeiss Protar V f/18 460mm. cover Hugo’s 16×20 Chamonix Camera
Steinheil F22/500mm
Zeiss Protar F18/460mm
Voigtlander Anastigmat F18/420mm
Protar 4或5系列,4片2组

大画幅镜头规格 列表

mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
47 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 123 8/4 810 3
47 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon MC 123 8/4 52 807 2
65 5.6 Fujinon SWD 172 749 1
65 4 Nikkor SW 170 7/4 870 3
65 4 Nikkor SW 170 7/4 71 1,103 2
65 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 170 8/4 1,060 3
65 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 170 8/4 72 1,220 2
65 4.5 Sinar Sinaron W 170 1,283 4
65 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 170 826 1
65 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 170 8/4 950 3
65 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon MC 170 8/4 73 1,118 2
65 5.6 Fujinon SWDS 169 8/6 73 1,115 2
65 8 Acugon 155 360 1
65 8 Calumet Caltar WII 155 300 1
65 8 Fujinon SW 155 379 1
65 8 Schneider Super Angulon 155 558 1
75 4.5 Nikkor SW 200 7/4 990 3
75 4.5 Nikkor SW 200 7/4 82 1,258 2
75 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 200 1,003 1
75 5.6 Fujinon SWD 200 825 1
75 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 198 941 1
75 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 198 8/4 1,060 3
75 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 198 8/4 85 1,264 2
75 5.6 Fujinon SWDS 196 8/6 85 1,215 2
75 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 195 8/4 1,169 3
75 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 195 8/4 83 1,470 2
75 4.5 Sinar Sinaron W 195 1,398 4
75 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 187 6/4 745 3
75 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 187 6/4 79 880 2
75 6.8 Sinar Sinaron W 187 914 4
75 8 Schneider Super Angulon 181 578 1
75 8 Fujinon SW 161 379 1
80 2.8 Schneider Xenotar 98 5/4 73 811 2
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
90 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 240 1,152 1
90 5.6 Fujinon SWD 238 337 1
90 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 236 8/4 1,359 3
90 4.5 Rodenstock Grandagon 236 8/4 100 2
90 4.5 Sinar Sinaron W 236 1,603 4
90 5.6 Fujinon SWDS 236 8/6 103 1,408 2
90 4.5 Nikkor SW 235 7/4 1,070 3
90 4.5 Nikkor SW 235 7/4 97 1,458 2
90 5.6 Calumet Caltar HR 235 7/4 550 2
90 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 235 1,090 1
90 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon 235 8/4 1,129 3
90 5.6 Schneider Super Angulon MC 235 8/4 103 1,483 2
90 8 Nikkor SW 235 8/4 680 3
90 8 Nikkor SW 235 8/4 97 746 2
90 6.8 Calumet Caltar II 221 6/4 400 2
90 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 221 6/4 830 3
90 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 221 6/4 94 2
90 6.8 Sinar Sinaron W 221 1,002 4
90 8 Acugon 219 420 1
90 8 Fujinon NSWS 216 6/6 99 708 2
90 8 Fujinon SW 216 884 1
90 8 Schneider Super Angulon 216 6/4 760 3
90 8 Schneider Super Angulon 216 6/4 99 779 2
90 8 Calumet Caltar WII 215 300 1
90 8 Schneider Super Angulon 210 621 1
90 8 Calumet Caltar HR 170 4/4 300 2
90 8 Rodenstock Geronar WA 170 4/4 87 550 2
90 8 Goertz Wide Angle Dagor 156 250 1
100 6.3 Kodak Wide Field Ektar 183 120 1
100 5.6 Nikkor W 153 6/4 99 504 2
100 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 147 6/4 430 3
100 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 145 6/4 490 3
100 5.6 Schneider Symmar S 143 6/4 96 439 2
100 2.8 Schneider Xenotar 117 5/4 95 1,049 2
100 3.5 Schneider Xenar 117 4/3 96 2
105 8 Fujinon NSWS 250 6/6 116 1,264 2
105 8 Fujinon SW 250 764 1
105 5.6 Fujinon NWS 162 6/6 100 583 2
105 5.6 Nikkor W 153 6/4 410 3
111 8 Goertz Wide Angle Dagor 186 250 1
115 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 291 6/4 1,349 3
115 6.8 Sinar Sinaron W 291 1,595 4
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
120 8 Nikkor SW 312 8/4 910 3
120 8 Nikkor SW 312 8/4 131 1,207 2
120 8 Fujinon SW 290 410 1
120 8 Schneider Super Angulon 288 6/4 1,089 3
120 8 Schneider Super Angulon MC 288 8/4 133 1,333 2
120 5.6 Schneider Macro Symmar HM 250 8/4 970 3
120 5.6 Schneider Super Symmar HM 211 8/6 950 3
120 6.8 Schneider Angulon 211 340 1
120 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 179 6/4 520 3
120 5.6 Schneider Symmar S 173 6/4 118 600 2
120 5.6 Nikkor AM 125 8/4 860 3
121 8 Schneider Super Angulon 290 1,062 1
125 8 Fujinon NSWS 290 6/6 139 1,325 2
125 5.6 Fujinon NWS 198 6/6 120 583 2
125 f2 Schneider-Guttingen(sic) Xenon ~110, wide-open
135 6.3 Kodak Wide Field Ektar 229 225 1
135 5.6 Fujinon W 228 339 1
135 5.6 Fujinon NWS 206 6/6 128 481 2
135 5.6 Nikkor W 206 6/4 128 481 2
135 5.6 Calumet Caltar II 200 6/4 240 2
135 5.6 Nikkor W 200 6/4 450 3
135 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 200 6/4 130 535 2
135 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 200 593 4
135 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 195 6/4 520 3
135 5.6 Schneider Symmar 190 395 1
135 5.6 Schneider Symmar S 190 6/4 129 448 2
135 5.6 Calumet Caltar S 189 180 1
135 5.6 Calumet Caltar SII 189 199 1
135 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 188 6/4 470 3
135 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 175 377 1
135 4.5 Astragon 152 6/2 135 178 2
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
150 8 Nikkor SW 400 8/4 1,760 3
150 8 Nikkor SW 400 8/4 166 1,995 2
150 5.6 Schneider Super Symmar HM 254 8/6 1,370 3
150 5.6 Rodenstock Apo Sironar 252 7/5 1,009 3
150 5.6 Sinar Sinaron WS 252 1,203 4
150 5.6 Fujinon W 245 357 1
150 5.6 Fujinon NWS 224 6/6 143 492 2
150 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 220 6/4 515 3
150 6.3 Computar Symmetrigon 218 4/4 429 2
150 9 Computar F9 218 6/4 399 2
150 5.6 Calumet Caltar II 214 6/4 230 2
150 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 214 6/4 142 550 2
150 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 214 630 4
150 5.6 Calumet Caltar HR 210 6/4 220 2
150 5.6 Calumet Caltar S 210 180 1
150 5.6 Calumet Caltar SII 210 200 1
150 5.6 Nikkor W 210 6/4 450 3
150 5.6 Nikkor W 210 6/4 149 519 2
150 5.6 Schneider Symmar 210 427 1
150 5.6 Schneider Symmar S 210 6/4 143 468 2
150 6.8 Goertz Gold Dot Dagor 210 610 1
150 6.8 Goertz Golden Dagor 210 400 1
150 6.3 Acuton 209 400 1
150 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 208 6/4 500 3
150 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 193 419 1
150 9 Schneider G Claron 192 6/4 151 348 2
150 9 Schneider G Claron 189 6/4 400 3
150 4.5 Schneider Xenar 180 4/3 142 2
150 6.3 Rodenstock Geronar 180 3/3 137 325 2
150 5.6 Schneider Xenar 173 4/3 142 267 2
150 f2.8 Schneider Xenotar 160
150 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 135 4/4 640 3
150 9 Sinar APO Sinaron 135 763 4
152 4.5 Kodak Ektar 182 225 1
155 6.8 Sinar Sinaron W 382 3,511 4
155 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 369 6/4 3,029 3
165 8 Schneider Super Angulon 395 6/4 2,679 3
165 8 Schneider Super Angulon MC 395 8/4 181 3,289 2
165 8 Schneider Super Angulon 390 2,395 1
165 8 Goertz Wide Angle Dagor 289 250 1
165 6.3 Calumet Caltar 206 125 1
165 6.3 Acutar 163 228 1
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
180 5.6 Fujinon W 305 419 1
180 5.6 Fujinon NWS 280 6/6 180 617 2
180 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 263 6/4 670 3
180 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 262 6/4 174 655 2
180 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 262 806 4
180 6.3 Computar Symmetrigon 262 4/4 449 2
180 5.6 Schneider Symmar 255 547 1
180 5.6 Nikkor W 253 6/4 510 3
180 5.6 Nikkor W 253 6/4 179 539 2
180 4.8 Acuton 252 315 1
180 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 252 6/4 660 3
180 5.6 Schneider Symmar S MC 252 6/4 171 613 2
180 9 Fujinon AS 252 6/4 178 748 2
180 5.6 Schneider Macro Symmar HM 250 8/4 1,149 3
180 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 234 515 1
180 5.6 Calumet Caltar HR 230 6/4 290 2
180 6.3 Acutar 219 299 1
180 5.6 Fujinon SFS 200 3/3 176 832 2
180 4.5 Astragon 159 6/2 180 373 2
190 6.3 Kodak Wide Field Ektar 318 325 1
200 6.8 Rodenstock Grandagon 495 8/4 4,569 3
200 8 Nikkor M 210 4/3 490 3
200 5.8 Rodenstock Imagon 150 3/2 1,199 3
203 7.7 Kodak Ektar 216 425 1
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
210 8 Schneider Super Angulon 500 6/4 4,395 3
210 8 Schneider Super Angulon 500 6/4 231 6,163 2
210 6.8 Schneider Angulon 362 340 1
210 5.6 Schneider Super Symmar HM 356 8/6 2,095 3
210 5.6 Fujinon W 352 462 1
210 5.6 Rodenstock Apo Sironar 352 7/5 1,579 3
210 5.6 Sinar Sinaron WS 352 1,852 4
210 5.6 Sinar Macro Sinaron 350 1,694 4
210 9 Computar F9 325 6/4 192 425 2
210 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 310 889 4
210 6.3 Computar Symmetrigon 308 4/4 469 2
210 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 305 6/4 730 3
210 5.6 Calumet Caltar II 301 6/4 330 2
210 5.6 Fujinon NWS 300 6/6 204 708 2
210 5.6 Schneider Symmar 297 637 1
210 5.6 Calumet Caltar HR 295 6/4 300 2
210 5.6 Nikkor W 295 6/4 550 3
210 5.6 Nikkor W 295 6/4 209 774 2
210 5.6 Calumet Caltar SII 294 300 1
210 5.6 Schneider Symmar S 294 6/4 201 682 2
210 6.8 Goertz Gold Dot Dagor 294 700 1
210 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 286 6/4 675 2
210 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 286 6/4 730 3
210 6.3 Kodak Commercial Ektar 270 475 1
210 5.6 Rodenstock Macro Sironar 267 6/4 1,439 3
210 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 266 598 1
210 9 Schneider G Claron 260 6/4 570 3
210 9 Schneider G Claron 260 6/4 205 447 2
210 4.5 Schneider Xenar 255 4/3 196 2
210 6.1 Schneider Xenar 249 4/3 206 439 2
210 5.6 Fujinon LS 240 4/3 193 431 2
210 6.3 Acutar 240 444 1
210 6.8 Calumet Caltar HR 230 3/3 200 2
210 6.8 Rodenstock Geronar 230 3/3 195 425 2
210 4.5 Astragon 229 6/2 210 493 2
210 5.6 Nikkor AM 200 8/4 1,530 3
210 9 Goertz Red Dot Artar 153 830 1
215 6.3 Acuton 305 360 1
215 5.6 Calumet Caltar S 301 220 1
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
240 9 Computar F9 372 6/4 220 539 2
240 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 352 6/4 1,279 3
240 5.6 Calumet Caltar II 350 6/4 650 2
240 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 350 6/4 231 1,350 2
240 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 350 1,429 4
240 6.8 Goertz Golden Dagor 340 650 1
240 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 337 6/4 1,199 3
240 5.6 Schneider Symmar S MC 337 6/4 229 1,273 2
240 5.6 Calumet Caltar S 336 449 1
240 5.6 Calumet Caltar SII 336 500 1
240 5.6 Nikkor W 336 6/4 950 3
240 5.6 Nikkor W 336 6/4 227 1,184 2
240 5.6 Schneider Symmar 336 990 1
240 6.8 Goertz Gold Dot Dagor 336 860 1
240 9 Fujinon AS 336 6/4 240 750 2
240 9 Schneider G Claron 299 6/4 236 501 2
240 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 298 923 1
240 9 Schneider G Claron 298 6/4 610 3
240 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 212 4/4 825 3
240 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 212 4/4 235 780 2
240 9 Sinar APO Sinaron 212 1,003 4
250 6.3 Kodak Wide Field Ektar 422 550 1
250 6.8 Fujinon W 398 510 1
250 6.8 Fujinon WS 398 6/4 246 1,042 2
250 5.6 Fujinon SFS 300 3/3 258 875 2
250 4.5 Astragon 203 6/2 250 520 2
250 5.8 Rodenstock Imagon 180 3/2 1,249 3
250 5.6 Schneider Tele Arton 158 5/5 1,169 3
250 5.6 Schneider Tele Arton 158 5/5 207 1,475 2
254 6.3 Kodak Commercial Ektar 317 475 1
270 9 Computar F9 418 6/4 249 665 2
270 6.8 Goertz Gold Dot Dagor 382 800 1
270 6.8 Goertz Golden Dagor 378 1,000 1
270 9 Schneider G Claron 335 6/4 790 3
270 9 Schneider G Claron 334 6/4 265 591 2
270 9.5 Goertz Red Dot Artar 231 680 1
270 6.3 Nikkor T ED 160 5/4 1,199 3
270 6.3 Nikkor T ED 160 5/4 188 2
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
300 5.6 Rodenstock Apo Sironar 490 7/5 3,359 3
300 5.6 Calumet Caltar II 425 6/4 900 2
300 5.6 Schneider Apo Symmar 425 6/4 1,699 3
300 5.6 Sinar Sinaron S 425 1,925 4
300 5.6 Calumet Caltar S 420 600 1
300 5.6 Calumet Caltar SII 420 700 1
300 5.6 Fujinon W 420 860 1
300 5.6 Nikkor W 420 6/4 1,260 3
300 5.6 Nikkor W 420 6/4 287 1,521 2
300 9 Fujinon AS 420 6/4 299 1,108 2
300 5.6 Schneider Symmar S MC 411 6/4 280 1,705 2
300 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar N 407 6/4 1,639 3
300 5.6 Schneider Symmar 402 1,388 1
300 5.6 Rodenstock Sironar 384 1,251 1
300 5.6 Sinar Macro Sinaron 360 3,342 4
300 5.6 Schneider Xenar 347 4/3 290 823 2
300 9 Rodenstock Geronar 340 3/3 282 550 2
300 6.3 Acutar 325 480 1
300 9 Nikkor M 325 4/3 570 3
300 9 Nikkor M 325 4/3 294 663 2
300 5.6 Rodenstock Macro Sironar 275 6/4 2,895 3
300 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 264 4/4 960 3
300 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 264 4/4 296 945 2
300 9 Sinar APO Sinaron 264 1,152 4
300 6.8 Rodenstock Imagon 220 3/2 1,369 3
300 8 Fujinon TS 213 5/5 199 992 2
300 5.6 Sinar Sinaron WS 3,956 4
305 9 Computar F9 482 6/4 282 695 2
305 6.8 Goertz Golden Dagor 427 750 1
305 9 Schneider G Claron 381 6/4 790 3
305 9 Schneider G Claron 381 6/4 302 643 2
305 6.3 Kodak Commercial Ektar 380 450 1
355 6.3 Kodak Commercial Ektar 444 450 1
355 9 Schneider G Claron 444 6/4 1,249 3
355 9 Schneider G Claron 442 6/4 350 1,022 2
355 9 Goertz Red Dot Artar 302 820 1
mm AP Brand Model Coverage E/G Flange Price Yr
360 10 Fujinon AS 504 6/4 359 1,475 2
360 5.6 Schneider Symmar 500 1,671 1
360 6.8 Calumet Caltar SII 500 800 1
360 5.6 Nikkor W 494 6/4 1,399 3
360 6.8 Schneider Apo Symmar 491 6/4 1,899 3
360 6.8 Schneider Symmar S MC 491 6/4 336 1,985 2
360 6.3 Fujinon W 485 995 1
360 6.8 Calumet Caltar II 435 6/4 1,000 2
360 6.8 Rodenstock Sironar N 435 6/4 1,849 3
360 6.8 Sinar Sinaron S 435 2,168 4
360 6.8 Rodenstock Sironar 415 1,450 1
360 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 318 4/4 1,339 3
360 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 318 4/4 351 1,290 2
360 9 Sinar APO Sinaron 318 1,581 4
360 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 308 921 1
360 9 Schneider Apo Artar 302 4/4 350 2
360 5.5 Schneider Tele Xenar 230 4/2 1,139 3
360 5.5 Schneider Tele Xenar 230 4/2 210 1,295 2
360 8 Nikkor T ED 210 5/4 1,549 3
360 8 Nikkor T ED 154 5/4 261 2
375 6.3 Calumet Caltar 468 290 1
375 6.3 Acutar 452 522 1
400 8 Fujinon TS 220 5/5 260 1,264 2
420 5.6 Fujinon FS 500 3/3 413 642 2
450 9 Nikkor M 440 4/3 970 3
450 9 Nikkor M 440 4/3 436 1,182 2
480 6.8 Schneider Symmar S MC 500 6/4 455 3,289 2
480 8 Schneider Apo Symmar 500 6/4 2,389 3
480 8.4 Rodenstock Sironar N 500 6/4 2,529 3
480 9 Sinar Sinaron S 480 2,933 4
480 11 Schneider Apo Artar 409 4/4 477 2
480 9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar 396 4/4 1,629 3
480 9 Sinar APO Sinaron 396 1,915 4
500 11 Nikkor T ED 210 6/4 1,595 3
600 9 Sinar APO Sinaron DBM 496 3,254 4
600 9 Nikkor T ED 310 6/5 1,879 3
600 12 Fujinon TS 260 5/5 384 1,650 2
720 16 Nikkor T ED 210 7/4 1,729 3
800 12 Nikkor T ED 310 7/5 1,949 3

This table is sorted by coverage within lens length.

Those lenses with the most coverage occur first.
Lens coverage needed (without shifts & tilts) for each format is approximately…
4 x 5 needs about 160 mm of coverage.
5 x 7 needs about 210 mm of coverage.
8 x10 needs about 310 mm of coverage.
10 x12 needs about 400 mm of coverage.
11 x14 needs about 450 mm of coverage.


“AP”是最大的光圈(光圈开口)。“覆盖面”是镜头覆盖范围,平时停了下来到f / 22。在一些情况下,复制镜片覆盖在1:1除以2来估计无限远聚焦值。“E / G”在设计中使用的元素和组。“法兰”是法兰距为镜头的电影。


#1是发表在70年代中期,这给标价的设备引导的页面的副本。确切的参考已经丢失,并采用影印件,因为有些信息比更好的… …

A list of “classic” lenses on 20×24 cameras.


Focal length

MM ….Inches

Degrees on 20×24

Goerz/Zeiss Hypergon 140 150 6.0 138.1 very rare
Zeiss Series V Protar 110 275 10.8 109.9 very rare
Zeiss Series V Protar 110 325 12.8 100.7 very rare
Zeiss/B&L Series V, IV Protars 90-100 390 15.4 90.3 rare
Goerz Am. Opt., Series III Dagors 87/90 420 16.5 86.1 available
Goerz Dagors, Zeiss VII Protar 87/90/80 480 19.0 78.5 available
Zeiss VII Protar 80 590 23.2 67.2 available
Goerz American Optical Company Dagors 87/90 610 24.0 65.5 rare
Zeiss Series V Protar 90 632 25.0 63.7 rare
Zeiss VII Protar 80 690 27.2 59.2 available
Goerz Apo Artar 47 760 30.0 54.6 available
Goerz Apo Artar 47 890 35.0 47.6 available
Turner Reich 70 915 36.0 46.4 available